Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay
Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay
Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay, Karz in financial terminology even called as Debt. Debt is an amount of money that a person you owe to someone. It may be an individual, a bank or a company, etc. It is a state of owing money to someone or something. If you owe money then it clearly shows that you have been in need of money and you have to seek help from someone or something. If your needs and responsibilities are more than you are earning, then definitely there will be a shortage of money always.
But sometimes there are situations in life which comes suddenly and you are not prepared for it. Even you cannot run from your responsibility. In such situation, you have to borrow money from another person. In such situation you use your credit card to meet your minimum requirement, or else if the requirement is more you apply for a loan. The problem never tells you when it is coming and sometimes your savings also doesn’t prove to be sufficient, to meet the requirement. Definitely “Karz” or taking a loan has never been a choice but a requirement.
Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay
There are people who are burdened with lots of debts and have been suffering that pain of debt. They want to get rid of their debt/karz but they keep on paying their old debt and the situations occur before them where they have to take new debts. There are people how cannot make saving in their accounts. Whenever they try to do that, they have to encounter some situations where they need to use those savings. These are the effects of some stars which determine your financial conditions. And these stars keep on dwelling into the burden of debt/karz. But there are remedies which can help you to get rid of your debt and lessen the unnecessary and unwanted expenditures. If you want to get rid of your debt you should do these upay and make your life peacefully.
Here are some ancient mantras and remedies which will help you to get rid of karz. These will definitely going o help you and lessen your pain from debt.
Karz Mukti Mantra
You have to chant one of this mantra one rosary daily and soon you will be getting rid of your debts/karz. These are the easy and sure way to get rid of your aching debts.
Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay
If anyone is burdened with debt then you can perform this procedure and this upay will definitely going to help you to lessen your debt burden slowly and free you from karz.
For this, the person who is burdened with debt have to perform this vidhi. Take five red roses whose petals are not broken. Take one rose in hand and worship goddess Gayatri, by chanting this Gayatri Mantra.
And keep this rose on white cloth. Now perform same mantra and vidhi with the remaining four roses and tie them in the white cloth. Remember to tie four roses at four corners and one at the center. Now you have to throw or say samarparn it in Ganga river. While you While you discard this cloth into Ganga river you should worship Devi Ganga, that “Hey Bhagwan… Hey Bhagirathi Ganga..discard all my debts and relief me from the pain of debt.
Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay
Performing this upay will bring harmony in life and will help you to get out from the burden of debt.
You can use this upay also:–
During the period of rising moon that is ShulkaPaksch, on the first Tuesday you have to worship Shivling with milk and Ganga water and after that offer lalmalka dal to Lord Shivaji. Also chant this mantra:-
By performing this vidhi you will get blessings from Lord Shivaji and his blessings will clear all your debts and you can enjoy a debt free life.
You can use this upay also to get rid of financial problems.
In every month one Shivratri comes, it is on the fourth day of Krishna paksch. On this day people who are facing some financial problems should light diya in the evening and worship to God. Also donate diya in Lord Shiva Mandir. And on the same day, during night whenthe clock hits twelve then worship to Lord Hanuman and chant Hanuman Chalisa. This will definitely resolve your financial problems.
Karz Mukti Ke Saral Upay
It is really important while you perform these vidhi you should have full faith in God and pray to god for your well being